November 8, 1308
November 8, 1773
Death of Friedrich Freiherr von Seydlitz in Kalkar, Germany. Von Seydlitz was the commander who built the Prussian cavalry of Friedrich II into the best in Europe.
November 8, 1848
November 8, 1865
Friedrich Wilhelm, the elector of Brandenburg (Holy Roman Empire) grants asylum to all Huguenots expelled from France by Louis XIV.
November 8, 1884
Birth of Hermann Rorschach in Zürich, Switzerland. The developer of the “Rorschach Test”, he earned his M.D. from the University of Zürich. He was a practicing psychologist in Zürich.
November 8, 1895
November 8, 1916
Birth of Peter Weiss in Berlin, Germany. Weiss was a noted dramatist and novelist. Of Jewish background, he was forced from Germany as a young man and settled in Sweden. Noted works by Weiss include, Die Verfolgung und Ermordung Jean Paul Marats, dargestellt durch die Schauspielgruppe des Hospizes zu Charenton unter Anleitung des Herrn de Sade, Die Ermittlung, Abschied and Fluchtpunkt.
November 8, 1918
King Ludwig III of Bavaria was forced to abdicate and a Bavarian socialist republic was proclaimed.
November 8, 1923
Hitler attempts to take over Munich (Putsch).
November 8, 1935
November 8, 1942
On this day the first Allied Forces land on the beaches of French North Africa in Operation Torch (WWII).
November 8, 1999
The German Gerichtshof (supreme court) sentences Egon Krenz, former East German political leader, to prison for his role in the killing of East Germans seeking to flee the country.