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Partie 2 : Plus de traditions de mariage d'Allemagne

  Plus de ce dispositif
•  Partie 1 : gâteau, anneaux, chaussures, danse, polterabend, kidnapping de la jeune mariée, et plus de mariage
  Ressources Relatives
•  Dater l'etiquette d'Allemagne
• How to Saw a Log
•  Mariage en Allemagne
• German Recipes 

Voici encore plus de bouts de mariage incités par un Américain de descente allemande :

Vêtement De Mariage (Jeune mariée) - comme en Amérique, la jeune mariée porte habituellement le blanc avec une différence : les robes habituellement n'ont aucun train, et s'ils , elles sont très courtes, et juste champ.La plupart des jeunes mariées préfèrent les bonnes vieilles robes de modèle de salle de bal, certains d'entre elles ont des crinolines à porter sous la robe. La plupart des jeunes mariées allemandes veulent la plus nouvelle robe de mariage de modèle, et elles passent en revue les boutiques nuptiales et vérifient ce qu'il y a de neuf et le quel modèle est le meilleur pour eux. Cependant, j'ai été aux mariages où les jeunes mariées ont porté sous peu des robes ou même un costume blanc.

Les voiles sont habituellement longueur de bout du doigt, et très rarement usés au-dessus du visage quand une jeune mariée descend le bas-côté. Quelques jeunes mariées (particulièrement catholiques) portent les voiles qui sont la même longueur que leurs robes. Quelques jeunes mariées prennent leurs voiles au loin pendant la réception, mais JAMAIS avant la première danse avec leur mari et leur père. Un voile n'est pas a doit. Quelques jeunes mariées portent seulement un bandeau fleuri avec des rubans accrochant en bas des côtés ou le dos de leur tête, certains préfèrent le bandeau et le voile. Les diadèmes, les petites couronnes et les chapeaux sont également une addition souvent vue. La plupart des jeunes mariées portent bourse de corde d'aspiration en bas du bas-côté, et portent également des gants. Une jeune mariée reste dans sa robe de mariage toute la journée, non seulement quelques heures comme elles

Wedding Attire (Groom) - the grooms usually wear a black suit.
Wedding Party - bridesmaids, groomsmen or flower girls etc. are seldom to be seen at a German wedding. It is not customary. Also, usually the bride and groom enter the church together and walk down the aisle together. The reason for this is that in Germany it is not legal to marry "only" in a church ceremony. The couple has to be married by the justice of peace, or as in Germany called "Standesbeamte" first. This usually takes place a few days before the actual church ceremony. So when they marry in church they are actually already married by law. For this ceremony the couple, the closest family members and friends get together in the court house, and then the couple will be married by the "Standesbeamte." Usually afterwards is a dinner. For this type of wedding brides mostly either wear a 2-piece outfit (skirt and jacket) or an informal dress. Some choose white, especially if they don't have a church wedding to follow. Courthouse Weddings last about 30 minutes, church Ceremonies can last up to 1 1/2 hours and more. There is a lot of singing, praying, and a sermon as well.

I was also lucky to get the impressions of the witness who attended a wedding in Salzburg, and he described the event. The marrying couple had chosen a small church not far from Salzburg for the wedding. This is a rule to choose a "special" place for the Hochzeit, rather than the general rule in America of always having the wedding at the bride's family church. The groom's family have arranged everything for this wedding. There was a Catholic Mass, in German of course, and afterwards everyone went to a restaurant for wedding cake and tortes and coffee, then there was beer and "fun music" outdoors with a band from 4pm to 6pm, followed by a formal dinner, and then more music and dancing until midnight. It was truly a day-long party, and everyone had a lot of fun.

This is what a typical German wedding is like in general. But still there are special little details necessary to mention, like bride should carry salt and bread as an omen for good harvest, and the groom - grain for good luck and wealth. Before the wedding, the German bride's possessions would be transported to her new home. The belongings traditionally included linens which she had collected, a cradle into which a doll had secretly been placed, and the second-best cow from her parents' farm. These are only a few of authentic German wedding traditions, one of the most interesting and curious of the being Polterabend , when dishes are broken to scare away evil spirits. Take care: only china is used, as broken glass would bring bad luck. The tradition requires the bride and groom clean up the mess - the first mess to cope with!

Log-sawing is another wedding tradition from Germany. It is done after the wedding ceremony. There will be a log on this log sawing horse and when the newly wed couple comes out of the church it awaits them as the first task they have to accomplish together as a married couple. It is supposed to show how they will manage to accomplish tough tasks in the future. It might be really interesting if bride and groom were not dressed in a white gown and tuxedo...

Another tradition coming from Germany involves the bride and groom carrying candles trimmed with flowers and ribbons. However, even in Germany traditions differ from town to town.

Page precedente > Wedding Dance, Kidnapping of the Bride, Polterabend, Wedding Shoes and Flowers, etc. > page 1, 2




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