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Gurkensalat (German Cucumber Salad)

Homemade cucumber salad is a refreshing companion to any main dish, be it meat or fish, which is especially popular in summer. This simple German classic can be prepared with different dressings. Whether classic with vinegar or creamy with sour cream and dill, it’s a winner!


Vinegar Dressing:

Sour Cream Dressing:


  1. Place the sliced cucumbers, dill and onions in a medium bowl.
  2. For the first version: mix together vinegar, oil, sugar, salt and pepper.
  3. Add the sliced cucumber to the vinaigrette, mix well and allow to sit for about 15 minutes before serving.
  4. For the second version: mix together the sour cream, vinegar, dill, and sugar.
  5. Pour the mixture over the sliced cucumbers and mix gently.
  6. Best served immediately. Enjoy!

Related recipes:
German Summer Salad – Sommersalat
German Potato Salad
Schwetzingen Asparagus Salad

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